::..Instalasi Mikrotik (router/bandwidth/wireless). Instalasi jaringan internet, LAN, mikrotik, router, hotspot dan voucher hotspot serta maintenance warnet. email:sila.sazali@gmail.com.::

Konfigurasi Windows 7 Sebagai Router Part 2

Pada bagian kedua tulisan, saya akan membahas bagaimana konfig router di windows 7 dengan menggunakan regedit. Langkah-langkahnya yakni, klik start, lalu pilih run, ketik regedit, dan pilih yes ketika windows menanyakan persetujuan perubahan settingan pada komputer. Setelah ini, akan tampil jendela Registry Editor.

Pilih Computer, lalu klik folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pilih folder SYSTEM, pilih folder CURRENT_CONTROL_SET, pilih folder SERVICES, pilih folder Tcpip, lalu klik folder Parameter. Dalam folder parameter akan terdapat IPEnableRouter. Maka double klik IPEnableRouter tersebut, dan ganti Value Data yang terdapat dalam kotak tersebut, menjadi angka 1. Biarkan pilihan Base-nya tetap di Hexadecimal. Klik OK lalu terakhir, tutup jendela Registry Editor, dan restart PC anda.

Setelah semua langkah di atas anda jalankan, maka PC anda siap menjadi router. Ketika PC on kembali, perhatikan IP pada LAN,(bukan pada Internet), biasanya secara automatic windows memberikan IP dengan subnet mask, dan tanpa gateway dan DNS. IP dan subnet mask tersebut bisa anda ubah sesuai dengan topologi jaringan anda, dan tentunya pada Default gateway-nya jangan di masukkan IP. Pada PC Klien, buatlah IP sesuai dengan gateway yang telah kita setting pada PC Router tadi, yakni mulai dari sampai dengan

Selamat mencoba!

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Konfigurasi Windows 7 Sebagai Router Part 1

Syarat mutlak sebuah PC router yang ingin kita jadikan router di sini adalah terpasang dua ethernet, atau dua LAN Card. Saya tidak membahas bagaimana instalasi windows 7, silahkan googling sendiri. Setelah terinstal windows 7 dengan baik, mari kita ikuti langkah-langkahnya konfig rouetr di windows 7, yang menurut saya tidaklah begitu sulit bagi siapa saja untuk mempraktikannya.

- Pertama, kita masuk ke Start, control panel, lalu ke network and Internet.
- Kita lanjutkan ke network and sharing center, pada menu sebelah kiri, pilih change adapter setting
- Akan terlihat Local Area Connection (LAN) dan Local Area Connection 1 (LAN1). Untuk menentukan mana ethernet yang LAN atau LAN1, kita bisa memasang kabel dari modem (dalam keadaan on)ke salah satu lobang Lan card. Biarkan lobang LAN yang yang satunya tanpa kabel.
- Lihat pada monitor/LCD, mana gambar LAN yang tidak bertanda x (silang), apakah LAN atau LAN1.
- Pada salah satu LAN yang tidak bertanda silang, maka kita klik kanan, pilih rename, dan ganti namanya dengan Internet.
- Lalu, pada "Internet" isi IP sesuai yang anda dapatkan dari Modem atau ISP yang memberikan anda akses internet.
- Kemudian, pada "Internet" klik kanan, lalu propertis, lalu pilih sharing yang terdapat di kotak bagian atas, dekat kata networking.
- Centang pada box Allow other network users to connect trough this computer's internet connection.
- lalu OK.

Sampai disini, konfig router win7 sudah berjalan 50 %. Ikuti pada part selanjutnya yang akan saya tulis kemudian.

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Konfigurasi Proxy di Windows 7

Beberapa browser sudah memiliki pengaturan proxy sendiri. Namun ada beberapa yang tidak, sehingga jika kita ingin membuat komputer dengan windows 7 kita terhubung ke proxy, kita bisa membuatnya konfigurasi sendiri di luar browser.

Anda bisa konfigurasi proxy untuk Jaringan LAN di windows 7 dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Network and Internet, and then click Internet Options.
3. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Connections tab.
4. Click the LAN Settings button.

Untuk mengaktifkan pemakaian proxy server, centang kotak “Use a proxy server for your LAN (Settingan ini tidak berlaku utk dial-up atau VPN).

Masukkan IP address of the proxy in the Address text box.

Masukkan nomor port of the proxy in the Port text box.

Jika kamu ingin mem"bypass" proxy server proxy utk IP lokal, centang “Bypass proxy server for local addresses” checkbox.

Click OK utk melengkapi dan mengakhiri konfigurasi.

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Cara Menghapus Windows Genuine Victim di XP

Ketika kita sedang browsing dengan OS windows, kadang muncul windows update yang sangat mengganggu kita. Kemungkinan hal ini terjadi karena kita lupa untuk mematikan Automatic Updates pada windows kita. Sehingga ketika anda sedang asik berselancar tiba-tiba windows anda melakukan update secara otomatis, jika windows anda Asli/Genuine tidak masalah. Tapi kalau windowsnya bajakan? Dia akan berhenti ditengah jalan. Yang lebih parah, setiap setiap start up kita harus menunggu beberapa detik lebih lama dari biasanya… karena saat start up akan muncul notifikasi yang memberitahukan bahwa windows anda bajakan atau istilahnya minta windows yang asli.

Untuk mengatasinya berikut ini ada trik untuk menghilangkan tampilan tersebut saat start up.

Menghilangkan Peringatan Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)

Langkah2nya adalah sebagai berikut :

Buka Task Manager dengan menekan “Ctrl+Alt+Del”
Matikan proses yang bernama “wgatray.exe”
Restart computer dan masuklah ke dalam Safe Mode (biasanya dengan menekan tombol F8)
Pada Safe Mode, buka registry editor dengan cara klik Start \\ Run. Ketik “regedit” kemudian ENTER
Pada regedit, carilah: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
Kemudian hapus folder/directory “WGALOGON”
Restart kembali komputer seperti biasa

Uninstall Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)

Matikan process “wgatray.exe” di Task Manager
Restart Windows XP dan masuk safe mode
Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32
Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32\dllcache
Buka RegEdit, cari: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
Delete folder “WgaLogon” dan seluruh isinya
Reboot Windows XP

Maaf tips ini bukan bermaksud untuk mendukung legalitas pembajakan, tetapi hanya sekedar bagi informasi yang bertujuan untuk pendidikan. semoga bermanfaat.

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Burst Limit di Mikrotik untuk Optimalisasi Browsing

User di kantor maupun warnet yang sering mengeluh lambat saat browsing sering kali membuat para administrator jaringan "tidur tak nyenyak". Beberapa hal tersebut bisa sedikit kita atasi dengan menggunakan burst limit dengan mikrotik, baik simple queue maupun queue tree. Berdasarkan pengalaman penulis, maupun baca2 dari google, burts limit sangat membantu orang2 yang suka browsing. Apalagi facebook.

Beberapa yang bilang ada rumusnya, tapi masalah efisen atau tidak, bisa kita coba sendiri. Dalam sebuah menu di queue, simple atau pun tree, ada konfigurasi limit-at, max limit, burst limit, burst treshold, dan burst time. Berikut ane dapat rumus umumnya:
Limit-at =
Max-limit =
Burst-limit = < 4 x Max-limit Burst-Thres = ¾ x Max-limit Burst-time = < 12 s Jika didefiniskan Max-limit-->adalah batasan maksimal bandwidth yang dapat dikonsumsi oleh komputer yang dikenakan limitasi.
Burst-limit--> adalah batasan maksimal bandwidth yang dapat dikonsumsi dalam waktu yang singkat yang ditentukan dengan busrt-time.
Burst-Thres-->adalah pemicu atau trigger atau titik pembalik atau batasan bandwidth riil yang diterima sebagai pembatas burst-limit.

Misal begini:

Garansi bandwidth yg didapat klien adalah 16kbps, maksimal bandwidth 128 Kbps, jika trafik riil klien belum mencapai 48 Kbps (burst-threshold), maka klien bisa dapat jatah bandwidth 512 Kbps selama maks. 5 detik (burst-time), jika trafik riil mencapai 48 Kbps, maka bandwidth berangsur2 turun ke 128 Kbps.

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Load Balancing over Multiple Gateways

Diambil bulat-bulat dari wiki.mikrotik.com

The typical situation where you got one router and want to connect to two ISPs.

Of course, you want to do load balancing! There are several ways how to do it. Depending on the particular situation, you may find one best suited for you.

Policy Routing based on Client IP Address

If you have a number of hosts, you may group them by IP addresses. Then, depending on the source IP address, send the traffic out through Gateway #1 or #2. This is not really the best approach, giving you perfect load balancing, but it's easy to implement, and gives you some control too.

Let us assume we use for our workstations IP addresses from network The IP addresses are assigned as follows:

* are used for Group A workstations
* are used for Group B workstations
* is used for the router.

All workstations have IP configuration with the IP address from the relevant group, they all have network mask, and is the default gateway for them. We will talk about DNS servers later.

Now, when we have workstations divided into groups, we can refer to them using subnet addressing:

* Group A is, i.e., addresses
* Group B is, i.e., addresses

If you do not understand this, take the TCP/IP Basics course,
or, look for some resources about subnetting on the Internet!

We need to add two IP Firewall Mangle rules to mark the packets originated from Group A or Group B workstations.

For Group A, specify

* Chain prerouting and Src. Address
• Action mark routing and New Routing Mark GroupA.

It is a good practice to add a comment as well. Your mangle rules might be interesting for someone else and for yourself as well after some time.

For Group B, specify

* Chain prerouting and Src. Address
• Action mark routing and New Routing Mark GroupB

All IP traffic coming from workstations is marked with the routing marks GroupA or GroupB. We can use these marks in the routing table.

Next, we should specify two default routes (destination with appropriate routing marks and gateways:

This thing is not going to work, unless you do masquerading for your LAN! The simplest way to do it is by adding one NAT rule for Src. Address and Action masquerade

Test the setup by tracing the route to some IP address on the Internet!

From a workstation of Group A, it should go like this:

C:\>tracert -d

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
2 10 ms 4 ms 3 ms

From a workstation of Group B, it should go like this:

C:\>tracert -d

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
2 10 ms 4 ms 3 ms

You can specify the DNS server for workstations quite freely, just make it can be reached (test it by tracing the route to DNS server's IP address)!
Retrieved from "http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Load_Balancing_over_Multiple_Gateways"

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List IP Game Online

Bagi yang ingin konfigurasi mikrotik untuk kepentingan Warnet Game Online, berikut link IP list. http://www.4shared.com/get/L0Bm4to5/gameip.html;jsessionid=625043843F0B3BDAB3B7BBF29B20696D.dc285

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Ethernet over IP (EoIP) Tunnel Interface

Document revision 1.2 (30-May-2003)
This document applies to the MikroTik RouterOS V2.7

Network setups with EoIP interfaces:
• Possibility to bridge LANs over the Internet
• Possibility to bridge LANs over encrypted tunnels
• Possibility to bridge LANs over 802.11b 'ad-hoc' wireless networks

Packages required : None
License required : Basic (DEMO license is limited to 4 tunnels)
Home menu level : /interface eoip
Standards and Technologies : GRE (RFC1701)
Hardware usage: not significant
Related Documents
Software Package Installation and Upgrading
IP Addresses and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Bridge Interfaces
PPTP (Point to Point Tunnel Protocol) Interface
An EoIP interface should be configured on two routers that have the possibility for an IP level connection. The EoIP tunnel may run over an IPIP tunnel, a PPTP 128bit encrypted tunnel, a PPPoE connection, or any connection that transports IP.
Specific Properties:
• Each EoIP tunnel interface can connect with one remote router which has a corresponding interface configured with the same 'Tunnel ID'.
• The EoIP interface appears as an Ethernet interface under the interface list.
• This interface supports all features of and Ethernet interface. IP addresses and other tunnels may be run over the interface.
• The EoIP protocol encapsulates Ethernet frames in GRE (IP protocol number 47) packets (just like PPTP) and sends them to the remote side of the EoIP tunnel.
• Maximal count of EoIP tunnels is 65536.
EoIP Setup
Submenu leve : /interface eoip
Property Description
name (name; default: eoip-tunnelN)- interface name for reference
mtu (integer; default: 1500) - Maximum Transmission Unit. The default value provides maximal compatibility
arp (disabled | enabled | proxy-arp | reply-only; default: enabled) - Address Resolution Protocol
tunnel-id (integer; default: 0) - a unique tunnel identifier
remote-address - the IP address of the other side of the EoIP tunnel – must be a MikroTik router
tunnel-id is method of identifying tunnel. There should not be tunnels with the same tunnel-id on the same router. tunnel-id on both participient routers must be equal.
mtu should be set to 1500 to eliminate packet refragmentation inside the tunnel (that allows transparent bridging of ethernet-like networks, so that it would be possible to transport full-sized ethernet frame over the tunnrl).
To add and enable an EoIP tunnel named to_mt2 to the router, specifying tunnel-id of 1:
[admin@MikroTik] interface eoip> add name=to_mt2 remote-address= \
\... tunnel-id 1
[admin@MikroTik] interface eoip> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 X name="to_mt2" mtu=1500 arp=enabled remote-address= tunnel-id=1

[admin@MikroTik] interface eoip> enable 0
[admin@MikroTik] interface eoip> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="to_mt2" mtu=1500 arp=enabled remote-address= tunnel-id=1

[admin@MikroTik] interface eoip>
EoIP Application Example
Let us assume we want to bridge two networks: 'Office LAN' and 'Remote LAN'. The networks are connected to an IP network through the routers [Our_GW] and [Remote]. The IP network can be a private intranet or the Internet. Both routers can communicate with each other through the IP network.
Our goal is to create a secure channel between the routers and bridge both networks through it. The network setup diagram is as follows:

To make a secure Ethernet bridge between two routers you should:
1. Create a PPTP tunnel between them. Our_GW will be the pptp server:
2. [admin@Our_GW] interface pptp-server> /ppp secret add name=joe service=pptp \
3. \... password=top_s3 local-address= remote-address=
4. [admin@Our_GW] interface pptp-server> add name=from_remote user=joe
5. [admin@Our_GW] interface pptp-server> server set enable=yes
6. [admin@Our_GW] interface pptp-server> print
7. Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running
9. 0 from_remote joe
10. [admin@Our_GW] interface pptp-server>
The Remote router will be the pptp client:
[admin@Remote] interface pptp-client> add name=pptp user=joe \
\... connect-to= password=top_s3 mtu=1500 mru=1500
[admin@Remote] interface pptp-client> enable pptp
[admin@Remote] interface pptp-client> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="pptp" mtu=1500 mru=1500 connect-to= user="joe"
password="top_s2" profile=default add-default-route=no

[admin@Remote] interface pptp-client> monitor pptp
status: "connected"
uptime: 39m46s
encoding: "none"

[admin@Remote] interface pptp-client>
See the PPTP Interface Manual for more details on setting up encrypted channels.
11. Configure the EoIP tunnel by adding the eoip tunnel interfaces at both routers. Use the ip addresses of the pptp tunnel interfaces when specifying the argument values for the EoIP tunnel:
12. [admin@Our_GW] interface eoip> add name="eoip-remote" tunnel-id=0 \
13. \... remote-address=
14. [admin@Our_GW] interface eoip> enable eoip-remote
15. [admin@Our_GW] interface eoip> print
16. Flags: X - disabled, R - running
17. 0 name=eoip-remote mtu=1500 arp=enabled remote-address= tunnel-id=0
18. [admin@Our_GW] interface eoip>
20. [admin@Remote] interface eoip> add name="eoip" tunnel-id=0 \
21. \... remote-address=
22. [admin@Remote] interface eoip> enable eoip-main
23. [admin@Remote] interface eoip> print
24. Flags: X - disabled, R - running
25. 0 name=eoip mtu=1500 arp=enabled remote-address= tunnel-id=0
27. [Remote] interface eoip>
28. Enable bridging between the EoIP and Ethernet interfaces on both routers.
On the Our_GW:
[admin@Our_GW] interface bridge> add forward-protocols=ip,arp,other \
\... disabled=no
[admin@Our_GW] interface bridge> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="bridge1" mtu=1500 arp=enabled mac-address=00:00:00:00:00:00
forward-protocols=ip,arp,other priority=1

[admin@Our_GW] interface bridge> port print
Flags: X - disabled
0 eoip-remote none
1 office-eth none
2 isp none

[admin@Our_GW] interface bridge> port set "0,1" bridge=bridge1
And the same for the Remote:
[admin@Remote] interface bridge> add forward-protocols=ip,arp,other \
\... disabled=no
[admin@Remote] interface bridge> print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R name="bridge1" mtu=1500 arp=enabled mac-address=00:00:00:00:00:00
forward-protocols=ip,arp,other priority=1

[admin@Remote] interface bridge> port print
Flags: X - disabled
0 ether none
1 adsl none
2 eoip-main none

[admin@Remote] interface bridge> port set "0,2" bridge=bridge1
29. Addresses from the same network can be used both in the Office LAN and in the Remote LAN
© Copyright 1999-2003, MikroTik

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